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Master of Decor World 2 Achievement Guide

By Dulfy , Published on Fri 01 April 2016
Achievements / Festivals / Super Adventure Box

A guide to finding all the furniture shops in World 2. Special thanks to Lycian and Trad for the help.

General Info & Video

Note that all the shops can be done in infantile mode (select the cloud on the left). Keep in mind though infantile mode will give you less furniture coins that normal/tribulation mode. This a new achievement added with 2016 edition of Super Adventure Box. Completing this achievement and the one for world 1 will unlock a new tab on Moto in Rata Sum where you can exchange Baubles for furniture coins (25 baubles per coin).



World 2 Zone 1

Where the river splits

Past the first checkpoint, you want to cross the river and then jump over to the smaller river nearby. From there climb up and jump over the small river to the other side. The wall in the ledge can be bombed to reveal the furniture shop with 3 coins.

gw2-master-of-decor-world-2-where-the-river-splits gw2-master-of-decor-world-2-where-the-river-splits-2 gw2-master-of-decor-world-2-where-the-river-splits-3

Between two ferns

Past the 7th checkpoint, take a left and jump on the walls. Follow the ledge and jump past the waterfall to the secret hidden area with a single bauble.

gw2-master-of-decor-world-2-between-two-ferns gw2-master-of-decor-world-2-between-two-ferns-2 gw2-master-of-decor-world-2-between-two-ferns-3

Take a right turn and you will find two ferns. Bomb the wall and you will find entrance to the furniture shop.

gw2-master-of-decor-world-2-between-two-ferns-4 gw2-master-of-decor-world-2-between-two-ferns-5

World 2 Zone 2

A fluffy trap door

This furniture shop is after checkpoint 5. Instead of doing the cancerous pergola with all the arrow traps and blocks you have to push, you are going to take a right and take the new shortcut that will lead you directly to the end of the zone.

gw2-master-of-decor-world-2-a-fluffy-trap-door gw2-master-of-decor-world-2-a-fluffy-trap-door-3 gw2-master-of-decor-world-2-a-fluffy-trap-door-2

gw2-master-of-decor-world-2-a-fluffy-trap-door-4 gw2-master-of-decor-world-2-a-fluffy-trap-door-5

All together now!

This shop is right above the 2nd last checkpoint of the zone. However, to get there you have to do it normally and not use the shortcut as you cannot backtrack once you are at the boss area. This means you have to do the pergola with the arrow traps/blocks and the perogla with the gong.

When you stand on this checkpoint, it will boost you to the second floor if you are standing in the middle of the checkpoint. Everyone else on the edges will stuck on the roof. What they have to do is jump forward a couple steps past the checkpoint and use the black jump pad to boost themselves to two clouds that will take them back to the second floor. The jump is a bit tricky so those not good at jumping should just stand in the middle of the checkpoint and get boosted up top.

gw2-master-of-decor-world-2-all-together-now gw2-master-of-decor-world-2-all-together-now-2

World 2 Zone 3


This shop is to the right side of the pyramid with the jumping rams. To reach this pyramid, you cannot take the shortcut that take you directly to Yeti and it is after Checkpoint 6.

gw2-master-of-decor-world-2-zone-3-2 gw2-master-of-decor-world-2-zone-3

Under the pyramid of pain

This shop is right under the yeti hill to the right of the checkpoint. Depending on if you took the shortcut teleporter to the Yeti this is either checkpoint 5 or checkpoint 9. Just drop down to the ledge to the right of the checkpoint and bomb the wall.

gw2-master-of-decor-world-2-under-the-pyramid-of-pain-2 gw2-master-of-decor-world-2-under-the-pyramid-of-pain gw2-master-of-decor-world-2-under-the-pyramid-of-pain-3


Special thanks to Trad and Lycian from zQ, Diviner, reader Beatrice Vanderwahl, Daniel Bishop, and Nicoper for their assistance.

Archived Disqus comments

  • Nickj0h1

    how do u get the number 1 and zero wep skill?

  • Beatrice Vanderwahl

    right after the 7. checkpoint turn left and climb up the wall where u find a secret room/platform with 1 bubble, after collecting the bubble turn right to the leafs and throw a bomb

  • Beatrice Vanderwahl

    right after the 7. checkpoint turn left and climb up the wall where u find a secret room/platform with 1 bubble, after collecting the bubble turn right to the leafs and throw a bomb

    • Taylor Zieper

      thank you! we’ll go get it now for the guide!

    • Dulfy

      Awesome thanks 🙂

    • Norke Wolfwind

      Thanks were adding it now!

    • Beatrice Vanderwahl

      yeah np ty for ur awesome work

  • INKS

    you have them mislabeled. No biggie, thought you would want to know

    • Dulfy

      Oops fixed

  • Deamon Hal

    ‘Under the pyramid of pain’ is under the yeti mini-boss’ arena

    • Yahya BenAbdallah

      Thx Found it

      • Phil

        This room is reached from the side of the yeti pyramid that has the checkpoint after the wooden walkway, not the side with the checkpoint that comes from the teleporter location.

  • thavleifrim

    Can anyone give me some advice o between two ferns, i cant figure out where to go between the second and third pictures in the guide.

    • Dulfy

      You have to jump past the waterfall

      • thavleifrim

        found it, thanks a bunch!

  • Tsabhira

    “cancerous pergola” is the best prose of the day, brava

  • ross oogo

    how can i get different weapon like bomb, slingshot , trebuchet etc?

  • Xyros

    It’s possible to skip the pergola and gong room in W2Z2 and do both stops in one run. If you take the shortcut eagle and jump off the ledge without taking any checkpoints, it will port you back to the checkpoint before the teleport platforms. From there you can either backtrack to the cloud shop or continue to the shop above the next checkpoint.

    • MrsKryten

      I was dreading having to do the whole pergola/gong thing again. This method saves so much time. Thank you!

  • Mapleluna

    Anyone know how to get into this cave? It’s right above the hilly billy camp before a set of raccoons go running to the raccoon boss. I’ve been running everywhere and bombing every wall around it without success.

  • dregsdakaballa

    come on dulfy you couldve mentioned that you need to take a left for the WHERE THE RIVER SPLITS furniture shop cuz if you go to the right you go past it. THE FIRST CHECKPOINT IF U GO TO THE RIGHT IS NOT THE SAME AS THE ONE ON THE LEFT!!!!

  • Some Poros

    If you failed the “All together now!” checkpoint-jump you can still reach the shop from the cloud.

  • Some Poros

    Even if you failed the “All together now!” checkpoint-jump you can still reach the shop from the cloud.

  • Syviana

    Can “A fluffy trap door” be done in tribulation mode?

  • Mellie

    “All together now!” can be done with eagle and backtracking. Ty for your advice though.

  • Morlunadar

    The 20 Hottest Gamer Girls http://ow.ly/10iAqt )

  • Hunter Eifert

    Which of them do I need to do in Tribulation mode and which in Infantile mode?

  • Jesus Christ

    this is the worst fucking guide for “All together now” i have ever set my eyes on in all of gaming