GW2 Festival of the Four Winds achievement guide with instructions on
getting the various achievements within the May 20 patch.
Unlike the previous living world meta achievements, there are no daily
achievements that counts towards the meta. That being said, you are
being given 23 achievements and only need to complete 14 to finish the
Festival of the Four Winds – 25 pts
- Complete 14 achievements. The quickest ones are Boss Blitz
achievements, Gauntlet achievements, Crate Consumer, Aspect Arena
and Sanctum Sprint achievements.
- Completing this meta give you 1 Favor of the Festival and 1600
Festival Tokens
- You can purchase previous living world rewards by visiting the
Festival Rewards Vendor by the Bazaar Docks Waypoint in Labyrinthine
- Two new items (Mini Panda and Endless Dolyak Calf Tonic) can be
purchased as well with Favor of the Festival and Festival Tokens
- Rewards are all account bound on acquire
- The Zephyr Sanctum Supply Boxes you purchase from the traders at the
entrance of Labyrinthine Cliffs have a chance to drop rare returning
rewards from season one such as air-filtration device or catcher
backpack skins.
- Doing Gauntlet bosses will drop Gauntlet chances for each boss
killed. These have a chance to drop another set of rare rewards,
including the Monocle and Chaos of Lyssa backpiece recipe.

Farming Festival Tokens
- Do Queen’s Gauntlet daily as there is a daily bonus chest for each
different boss you defeat.