A guide to the Merry Wintersday Achievements for the 2016 season. The
achievements can be found under Festivals in achievements.
Daily Achievement: A Season of Merriment
Complete 5 days of Wintersday Cheer achievement and you will complete
this A Season of Merriment achievement. Finishing this achievement allow
you to pick your choice of Wrapped weapons. You just need to complete
3/5 of the daily Wintersday achievement (located in the Daily tab) for
the Wintersday Cheer achievement.

Wrapped Greatsword [&CpIbAAA=] Wrapped Scepter [&CpcbAAA=] Wrapped Shield [&CpUbAAA=]
Wrapped Staff [&CoMbAAA=] Wrapped Sword [&Cn0bAAA=]
Story Achievements
Grawnk Munch/Generous Harvest
If you done the story last year, you cannot do these two achievements
again. They will be auto complete for you. Otherwise you can consult
for what to do in the story. It is timegated and will take you 3 days to
Divinity’s Reach/General Achievements
Silver for the Season/Golden Generosity
- Both achievements are related to Ho-Ho Tron in Divinity’s Reach.
Ho-Ho-Tron is in a corner away from all the other Wintersday NPCs.
He is only there when there isn’t a Dolyak escort event and his
collecting funds event is running.

- Silver for the Season requires you to donate 1 silver 3 times
and give you 5 AP and 3 Personalized Wintersday Gifts as reward.
- Golden Generosity require you to donate 1 gold 3 times and give
you 25 AP and 10 Personalized Wintersday Gifts as reward.
- Beware that if there are a lot of players donating, the funds
donated bar fills very quickly and you have very little time to
Festive Imbiber – 15 AP
- Reward: 15 AP, Spirited Drinker title, Masterful Toast item (10k
karma, required for Winter’s Presence shoulders collection).
- This achievement will be active all year round so you have plenty of
time to do it. Keep in mind though that after Wintersday you can no
longer get the gifts from the activities.
- Consume 10,000 Wintersday drinks. The following drinks from
Wintersday Gifts works for this achievement and you can use the
consume all option if you have more than one.
- Cup of Spiced Apple Cider
- Glass of Buttered Spirits
- Mug of Eggnog
- Snowman Tonic
- Reindeer Tonic
- Festive Golem Tonic
Connoisseur of Confection– 10 AP
- Reward : 10 AP, Sweet Tooth title.
- Consume 2500 Candy Canes. Despite the achievement saying only Candy
Canes, the following food items work for the achievement as well.
They all come from Wintersday Gifts. Note that while you can get the
recipes for these food as well, it is nor worthwhile to make them
since they all need 25 Candy Canes to make 1 of them so just use the
ones that drop from the gifts. Note that Tins of Fruitcake does not
work for this achievement.
- Tropical Peppermint Cakes
- Scoops of Mintberry Swirl Ice Cream
- Peppermint Omnomberry Bars
Donation Defender/Finders Keepers
- Both achievements are related to the Dolyak Escort event that occurs
after Ho-Ho Tron raised enough funds. The Dolyak will start from
Ho-Ho Tron’s location and then head towards Crown Pavilion waypoint.

- To get Donation Defender, you have to kick the skritt that
spawns by pressing F near them. Using snowballs to hit them
doesn’t seem to be very reliable and I was not able to get credit
for the event until I kicked them. Completing this achievement will
reward you with 3 AP and 5 Personalized Wintersday Gifts.

- For Finders Keepers, you need to collect 25 Dropped Presents.
The Dolyak will drop presents while walking to the waypoint. If you
go ahead of him you will miss them so it is best to follow behind
him and press down ctrl key so you can see the presents when they
spawn. Completing this achievement will reward you with 6 AP, 1
Personalized Wintersday Gift and title Finders Keepers (old title).

Wrapping Everywhere – 9 AP
- Reward: 9 AP and 10 Personalized Wintersday Gift
- You need to unwrap 40 Winterday Gifts. You can earn gifts easily by
doing the winterday activities above so this achievement is really a
Frozen Claw – 3 AP
- Reward: 3 AP, Icy Aura item (10k karma, required for Winter’s
Presence shoulders collection).
- Defeat the Claw of Jormag 3 times during Wintersday.
Wintersday Activity Achievements
Dolyak Defender – 5 AP
- Reward: 5 AP, 10 Personalized Wintersday Gift
- Survive
with at least one living gift doylak. Fairly easy achievement to get
as even the most horrid groups can keep at least 1 dolyak alive.
Nothing but Broken Toys – 5 AP
- Reward: 5 AP, 10 Personalized Wintersday Gift
- Survive 50 waves of
. Note that the waves do not corresponds to the rounds in
Toypocalyse. Each round can have several waves of toys so you only
need to do 1-2 Toypocalypse to complete this achievement.
Disassembly– 10 AP
- Reward: 10 AP, 5 Personalized Wintersday Gift
- Destroy 100 Misbehaving Toys. Easily done in
.as the snowmans and catapults you build there will kill toys for
Honorary Krewe Member – 5 AP
- Reward: 5 AP, 10 Personalized Wintersday Gift
- Defeat Toxx in Tixx’s Workshop which is located inside Tixx’s
Infinirarium. Note that this activity is designed for a group of 5
players but you can probably do the instance with 2 players.

Wintersday Wrecking Ball – 5 AP
- Reward: 5 AP, 10 Personalized Wintersday Gift
- You need to do this inside Tixx’s Infinirarium by destroying every
single tree/buildings inside the instance. You can do this after you
complete the instance as well.
Ringing the Right Notes – 10 AP`
- Reward: 10 AP, 10 Personalized Wintersday Gift
- You need to ring 500 correct notes inside Bell Choir. Can
be a bit time consuming.
Sounds of the Season – 10 AP`
- Reward: 3 AP, Winter Music Score (10k karma, required for
Winter’s Presence shoulders collection).
- You need to complete 3 Songs in Bell Choir.
The Wintersday Gauntlet – 3 AP
Snowball Fight! – 3 AP
- Reward: 3 AP, Champion’s Snowball item (10k karma, required for
Winter’s Presence shoulders collection).
- Claim victory in the Snowball Mayhem
3 times during Wintersday.
Repeatable Achievements
You won’t see checkmarks on the repeatable achievements under the meta
but they do count towards it.
Toy Quality Control – 3 AP/15 AP
- Reward: 3 AP per completion, Refurbished Toy item (10k karma,
required for Winter’s Presence shoulders collection).
- Complete 30 rounds of Toypocalypse. You basically need to run
through 3 full Toypocalypse for this achievement. You can repeat
this achievement a max of 5 times for 15 AP.
The Bells of Wintersday – 3/20 AP
- Reward : 3 AP and 3 Personalized Wintersday Gift per completion.
- Complete 30 songs in Bell Choir .
This achievement can be repeated up to 6-7 times.
Snowball Mayhem Participant– 3/15 AP
- Reward : 3 AP and 3 Personalized Wintersday Gift per completion.
- Complete 30 rounds of Snowball
. This achievement can be repeated up to 5 times for a max of 15 AP.
Winter Wonderland Mastery – 3/15 AP
- Reward : 3 AP and 5 Personalized Wintersday Gift per completion.
- Complete the Winter
jumping puzzle 15 times. This achievement can be repeated up to 5
times for a max of 15 AP.
Archived Disqus comments
Joe Boyer
No mini festive golem again this year 🙁 It’s really all I want for Wintersday!
God bless you Dulfy for this all guides :*
Fruitcake now contributes to Connoisseur of Confection achievement now.
Just tried, it doesn’t
Sagiso 鷺草
The repeatable activity achievements do not tick after their first completion and might have to be done 5 times in total.
I concur; repeating Bells of Wintersday twice now, it still does not count towards meta-achieve.
Yep. Yesterday I tried the Bells of Wintersday and it didn’t count.
The repeatable achievements dont tick, but they DO count towards the meta. (I was on 14/18 before Winter Wonderland Mastery, after i completed it it changed to 15/18)
Voreo Sabrae
Someone just told me after first completion the repeatables should count?\ Is this true or am i going to be forced to grind to hell and back this year. :<\ (forced because i outright refuse that dang stupid puzzle)
Lawful Evil
I completed The Bells of Wintersday once and it counted.
Didn’t count for me =(
Lawful Evil
For me it counted, but it’s not marked.
Centaur Player
They counted for me for the meta, but do they count only once – or one time for every time they are repeated? I have does the bells twice, but it only took once. Glitch or design?
“Unlike last year, the repeatable achievement also counts toward the meta but you can ignore them or do them if you prefer an activity (you won’t see checkmarks on the repeatable achievements under the meta but they do count towards it”\ Took this to mean we can do a load of bell choir and for it to count for 1-7 (the times we can repeat it) just as the puzzle is annoying and its cheaper to max crafting professions then buy that much cake and booze….
I did the bells one twice now. It counted for the meta the first time but not the second. There is no checkmark, but it think thats only because once you complete it, a new one becomes available and the new one is not complete and I think thats what it looks at.
John Johnson
those achievements are impossible …. 10000 drinks at 9s each ?
2500 candy at 3s each ? WTF ?
Trying to do the math here. Is it possible to get the meta without 10k drinks or 2500 candy canes so I don’t have to spend hundreds of gold to get a meta?
the fuck is ment by meta in your language?? If you are asking whether its possible to do the main achievement (do 18 achievements) without doing drinking and eating, than yes it is. Repeatable quests also count towards progress. But sometimes they get bugged so it doesnt count towards the progress and you have to do it all over to make it count.
The “main achievement” is known as the meta achievement (as in, it’s the achievement for getting achievements).
Lawful Evil
Yes, it’s possible. I did The Bells of Wintersday and Toypocalypse only once.
Hi Dulfy,\ Grawk achievement does not count for the meta if you already did it Last year…\ Stuck at 16/18 and have only jumping puzzle, snowball mayhem and drink and food achievement left.
I now get 5th time Toypocalypse survival and have 15AP from it but still 17/18 complete btw dont know anybody how is the easiest achivements to full 18? thanks
I repeated the JP 6 times and didn’t get the achievement.
15 times per 3ap capped at 15ap, the other one is jump 3 times to get the item for shoulder piece
Here it says that the repeatable achievements can be done 5 times, but the in-game tooltip states that there is no limit (infinite). Can someone throw light on this, please?
Stacy Millay
Till I saw the draft which was of 8135 dollars, I accept that my friend’s brother was like really generating cash in his free time with his pc. . His aunt’s neighbor has done this for only 9 months and by now repaid the loan on their home and bought a new Car .Look here for details.\ 60…