GW2 Fashion Collector Title Guide
A guide to filling up your Wardrobe and acquiring the Fashion Collector
title cheaply and efficiently.
A Note About Wardrobe
To access your Wardrobe storage, go to any bank and select the third tab
(Wardrobe storage).

Collect 1000 skins in the Wardrobe to receive the Fashion Collector
title from Fashion Forward achievement.

Note that this guide is for cheaply and efficiently acquiring skins. If
you are after a specific skin, use this guide
Tip: Throw any skins that you can’t salvage (most of the skins) into
Mystic Forge to make random weapons that you can salvage.
Character Creation Skins
GW2 is very kind to provide you all kinds of free skins when you create
a new character and select certain choices during the biography part of
character creation. These skins are free and quick so they should be
your number one priority to reach that title. Create a character, get
that skin unlocked and then delete it!
- Note: Apparently unlocking these do not count towards the
achievement so if you are just going after the achievement, you
can ignore this section
Elementalist (4)
I study all the elements, but I wear a gem that symbolizes my love of
- Water – Glacial Eye
- Fire – Flame Eye
- Earth – Stone Eye
- Air – Storm Eye
Mesmer (3)
A mesmer’s mask creates an image. I choose to look out from behind a
- Haelrquin’s Smile – Harlequin’s Mask
- Phantasm of Sorrow – Phantasm’s Mask
- Fanged Dread – Fanged Dread Mask
Necromancer (3)
A necromancer’s closest companion is death. In acknowledgement of this,
I mark my face with the symbol of a _____.
- Trickster Demon – Demon Masque
- Skull – Skull Masque
- Ghostly Wraith – Wraith Masque
Guardian (3)
As a symbol of my dedication, I wear _____.
- Conqueror’s Mantle
- Fanatic’s Mantle
- Visionary Helm
Engineer (3)
My most useful tool is my _____.
- Universal Multi-Tool
- Eagle-Eye Goggles
- Panscopic Monocle
Thief (3)
In my line of work, it’s important to understand the power of
- Anonymity: Anonymity Mask
- Determination: Determination Headband
- Subterfuge: Subterfuge Hood
Warriors and Rangers have no unique armor skins (rangers doesn’t get
any) but that is a total of 19 unique skins just from character
creation. This is on top of all starter gear/weapons that you may or may
not already have unlocked in the wardrobe.
You probably have a ton of karma stored up that you are not using.
Luckily you can use them to get tons and tons of unlocks for your
wardrobe. There are several maps with karma vendors that sell the same
gear but I am going to usually pick the lowest level map (least
karma) or the easiest (less travel time).
- Only buy the Fine quality and don’t waste your karma on Masterwork
- Take your character with the most world completion to make this
easier on yourself
Devout (Light) / Rogue (Medium) / Militia (Heavy)
- Diessa Plateau – Tiga Fierceblade – [&BN4AAAA=]
- Heart: Assist the Blood Legion
- This guy is your one stop for all 3 sets since he has all the skins.
While you are here, buy the Iron legion shield from him and the
Ash/Blood legion shields from the nearby two heart vendors (see
Weapons –> Legion shields section of the guide)
Heavy Plate (Heavy)
Sparkfly Fen
- This set is suppose to be exclusive to WvW badge vendors but it also
available on karma vendors so why waste your badges?
- Gloves/Leggings: [&BLMDAAA=]: Help Kamma/Help Brannen
- Shoulders: [&BM8BAAA=]: Help the Wyld Hunt
- Helm: [&BM4BAAA=]: Help Secure Brackwater
- Shoes: [&BMoBAAA=]: Help Admiral Clarinda
- Chest: [&BLQDAAA=]: Help Jezza
Dry Bones (Light) / Duelist (Medium) / Pit Fighter (Heavy)
- Gendarran Fields
- Also in Harathi Hinterlands, Bloodtide Coast, Snowden Drifts,
Lornar’s Pass, Dredgehaunt Cliffs, Frostgorge Sound, Fields of Ruin,
Blazeridge Steppes
- G
loves: [&BIsBAAA=]: Help First Haven
- Leggings: [&BOAAAAA=]: Help Bronson
- Chest: [&BM0DAAA=]: Get back at the pirates
- Shoulders: [&BO4AAAA=]: Help Johan
- Shoes/Helm: [&BO0AAAA=]: Help Lionguard Rhyn/Assist the
Primitive (Light) / Buccaneer (Medium) / Dark Templar (Heavy)
Fireheart Rise
- Also in all Orr zones
- Gloves: [&BB0CAAA=]: Help Tarstar tribe
- Leggings: [&BBgCAAA=]: Assist with maintenance at Tuyere
- Helm: [&BBkCAAA=]: Clean up Flame Legion Magic
- Boots: [&BCMCAAA=]: Help Ash Legion
- Shoulders: [&BCACAAA=]: Help Pact researchers
- Chest: [&BB4CAAA=]: Aid Kodan refugees
Stately (Light) / Stalker (Medium) / Studded Plate (Heavy)
Iron Marches
Also in Sparkfly Fen, Bloodtide Coast, Mount Maelstrom, Timberline
Falls, Dredgehaunt Cliffs, Frostgorge Sound, Blazeridge Steppes
Gloves: [&BOcBAAA=]: Help Braxa
- Leggings: [&BOQBAAA=]: Help Centurion Truthbringer
- Helm: [&BOMBAAA=]: Join the Iron Legion
- Boots: [&BOUBAAA=]: Help Kennelmaster Warsnout
- Shoulders: [&BOgBAAA=]: Help Sleekfur
- Chest: [&BOsBAAA=]: Aid the Allied Legion
Aurora (Light) / Rubicon (Medium) / Armageddon (Heavy)
- Orr Temples (karma vendor when the temple is open) or Arah dungeon
- These pieces are sold in Orr Temples for 42k karma each or 252k
karma for the full 6 piece set. It may not worth the karma to get
those skins unless you got quite a lot of them.

All in all you are looking at least 72 (6 x 3 x 4) armor skins you can
acquire for cheap with karma (not including the expensive Orr temple
You really have to becareful with weapon skins as there are tons of them
and you can easily spend all your karma here. We will start with the
unique and cheap ones and work our way up. You probably won’t make it
out of this section without using all of your karma.
Modniir Weapons
Move your butt to Harathi Hinterlands as there is one heart vendor with
all of the Modniir weapons. These weapons are exclusive to her (Forward
Scout Greta) and you probably won’t see them anywhere else. They costs
around 280-420 karma each for the Fine version, which is all you need.

Legion Shields
The Charrs love their shields and they got one for each legion (Iron,
Blood, Ash) and the vendors are all close to each other. Head to the SW
corner of Diessa Plateau and buy them up.

Other cheap skins
- Jotun Greatsword from Lionguard Nadel in Snowden Drifts –
- Wooden sword recipe (Weaponsmith) from Carman Fawntracker in
Wayfarer Foothills (Entertain and protect the children). This
product is also on TP if you can’t craft it yourself. [&BHYBAAA=]
- Quetzal Harpoon from Yoal in Caledon Forest: [&BD0BAAA=]
- OoOoo Spear and Shooter from Queldip and Duidda in Lornar’s Pass
(they are all in the False Lake area): [&BOgAAAA=]
- Jeweled Trident & Dragonspine from Vepar Darkheart in Diessa Plateau
(regular karma vendor): [&BNwDAAA=]
- Wyld Greatsword from Seraph Spy Ivy in Brisband Wildlands
(Infiltrate and distrupt Seanan’s bandits): [&BGMAAAA=]
- Judgement Harpoon from Jenrys in Mount Maelstrom: [&BNUCAAA=]
- Charr Meatoberfest Chalice from Lakor in Diessa Plateau:
Unique Karma Cultural skins
Purchasing Cultural Skins with karma is expensive as the cheapest costs
you 9800 karma per weapon and there are often \~19 weapons per cultural
set so you are looking to spend around 186k karma per set. I tend to buy
them on the TP as a lot of them are fairly cheap costing only a few
silver each but there are some karma cultural skins you can’t get from
the TP.
Ebon Vanguard
- Waypoint: [&BNMAAAA=] in Fields of Ruin (You can get to this place
via the portal from Rurikton district of Divinity’s Reach)
- Only buy tier 1 as tier 2 and tier3 are identical skins

- Lionguard vendors are temporarily relocated to Gendarran Fields –
- Only buy tier 1 as tier 2 and tier3 are identical skins

- Pirate weapons are sold by the vendor at the end of Weyandt’s
Revenge jumping puzzle in Lion’s Arch. If you are not sure where it
is or how to complete it, check out this
- The Karma equipment Trader in WvW (not far from the entrance in
Borderlands map) sells a full set of Bandit weapons for karma. Each
weapon is around 2-3k karma (at level 80 but cheaper if you buy it
with low level characters ) . I would consider it cheaper than
buying them from the TP where the prices are close to a gold each
for the bandit weapons.

- Waypoint: [&BB0CAAA=]
- The Nrocroc, Tarstar, Wupwup chiefs in Fireheart Rise sells recipes
you need to make the Godskull weapons (they are also tradeable on
the TP).
- You do need to be either a Weaponsmith, Artificer, or Huntsman (275)
to craft these

Beaded Weapons
- Waypoint: [&BMgBAAA=]
- Cuadinti in Sparkfly Fen sells Sun Beads. Combine 75 Sun Beads with
Darksteel/Hard weapon components to make Beaded weapons. It costs 21
karma per bead or 1575 karma per weapon. If you can’t craft them you
can buy it on the TP.
T3 Cultural Weapons
- The T3 line of each race’s Cultural weapons is not purchaseable on
the TP so your only option is to shell out 63k karma per weapon. T1
and T2 cultural skins are there too if you are short on gold
- Divinity’s Reach: Palace Waypoint: [&BCkDAAA=]
- Rata Sum: Magustan Court Waypoint: [&BBQEAAA=]
- The Grove: Ronan’s Waypoint: [&BLwEAAA=]
- Hoelbrak: Legends Waypoint: [&BIwDAAA=]
- Black Citadel: Diessa Gate Waypoint: [&BKgDAAA=]

Badges of Honor
If you have a lot of Badges stored up from achievement chests and not
using them for WvW anytime soon, this is a perfect time to spend them.
Go to the vendor in your server’s Borderlands (i.e. the Citadel) as they
have the most complete set of vendors. Other maps are missing some of
the vendors
Unique Badge Skins
- Diviner (Light)
- Mistwalker (Medium)
- Please note that the heavy skin (Heavy Plate) is not unique to
WvW badge vendors and can be found on Sparkfly Karma vendors (see
under Karma section on the exact locations)
- You can buy them with only badges (1589 badges for full set) or
badges and gold (950 badges + 5-6 gold for the full set)
Badge skins for cheap
The follow skins are not unique to the WvW vendors and can be also found
on the karma vendors (see Karma section) but if you are lazy and have a
lot of badges it is a good place to buy them.

40 Badge Skins
- Duelist is called Militia (Heavy) in Wardrobe
- Supple Leather is called Rogue (Medium) in Wardrobe
- Devout (Light) – Don’t buy this as you can get it for Karma ( Tiga in Diessa Plateau ) or for gold (
Tailor Pipp in Rata Sum )
90 Badge skins
- Pit Fighter (Heavy)
- Rawhide (Medium) – Don’t buy this as you can get it easily from the
Armorsmith NPC in various cities for a few silver
- Dry Bones (Light)
135 Badge Skins
- Plated is called Studded Plate (Heavy) in Wardrobe
- Warden is called Stalker (Medium) in Wardrobe
- Stately (Light)
180 Badge Skins
- Dark is called Dark Templar (Heavy) in Wardrobe
- Conquest is called Buccaneer (Medium) in Wardrobe
- Tactical is called Primitive (Light) in Wardrobe
Tier 1 & Tier 2 Cultural Skins
Both tier 1 and tier 2 Cultual weapon skins can be brought for badges
- Tier 1: Steam, Shiverpeak, Glyphic, Krytan – 5-10 Badges per skin
- Tier 2: Aureate, Norn, Flame, Verdant – 50-100 badges per skin

If you got gold to spend and walk around in Blings Blings then there are
tons of skins you can buy off the TP. I will list the cheap ones first
for the benefit of the poor (they gotta dress up too).
Cheap (a few silver per piece)
- Acolyte (Light) –
- Apprentice (Light) –
- Cabalist (Light) –
- Country (Light) –
- Embroidered (Light) –
(also crafted by Tailor)
- Magician (Light) –
- Student (Light) –
(also crafted by Tailor)
- Leather (Medium) –
(also crafted by Leatherwork)
- Outlaw (Medium) –
(also crafted by Leatherwork)
- Privateer (Medium) –
- Rascal (Medium) –
(also crafted by Leathework)
- Rawhide (Medium) –
- Seeker (Medium) –
- Studded (Medium) –
- Swindler (Medium) –
- Chain (Heavy) – TP (also crafted by Armorsmith)
- Chainmail (Heavy) –
- Reinforced Scale (Heavy) –
- Scale (Heavy) – TP
- Splint (Heavy) –
- Tempered Scale (Heavy) –
- Worn Chain (Heavy) –
- Worn Scale (Heavy) –
Bit more expensive (Under 1 gold per piece)
- Conjurer (Light) –
- Exalted (Light) –
(also crafted by Tailor)
- Feathered (Light) –
(also crafted by Tailor)
- Masquerade (Light) –
(also crafted by Tailor)
- Winged (Light) –
(also crafted by Tailor)
- Emblazoned (Medium) –
((also crafted by Leatherwork)
- Noble (Medium) –
(also crafted by Leatherwork)
- Prowler (Medium) –
(also crafted by Leatherwork)
- Banded (Heavy) –
- Barbaric (Heavy) –
(also crafted by Armorsmith)
- Gladiator (Heavy) –
also crafted by Armorsmith)
- Tier 1 Cultural armor for each race (2 gold 88 silver per race)
Expensive (Quite a bit of gold)
- Tier 2 Cultural armor for each race (7 gold 10 silver per set)
- Tier 3 Cultural armor for each race (119 gold per set)
- Order armor (8 gold 88 silver per set)
- Air Filtration Device –
- Deathly Shoulders –
- Island Shoulder
- Southsun Mask –
- Craft your own Ascended armor
Cheap (a few silver per piece)
- Glyphic (T1 Asura/Sylvari cultural) –
- Krytan (T1 Human cultural) –
- Orrian –
- Shiverpeak (T1 Norn Cultural) –
- Steam (T1 Charr Cultural) –
- Bronze (Crafted)-
- Iron (Crafted) –
- Darksteel (Crafted)–
- Mithril (Crafted)–
- Green (Crafted)–
- Soft (Crafted)–
- Hard (Crafted)–
- Elder (Crafted)-–
Bit more expensive (Under 1 gold per piece)
- Aureate (T2 Human Cultural) –
- Bandit –
- Beaded (crafted) –
- Dredge (crafted) –
- Flame (T2 Charr Cultural) –
- Godskull (crafted) –
- Krait (crafted) –
- Norn (T2 Norn Cultural) –
- Ogre
- Verdant (T2 Asura/Sylvari) –
There also also a tons of exotic weapons, Order weapons, weapon skins
from previous releases that you can purchase. The only limit is how much
bling bling you are carrying.
Archived Disqus comments
thanks for this guide, now i can die peacefully
The Heavy Plate Karma Helmet vendor isn’t at the location listed (dryground waypoint). It should refer to the vendor at the waypoint south of that, called [Brackwater Waypoint].
Thanks, should be fixed now. Let me know if you find anything else 🙂
Ares Zax
There is a bug with the Rogue Mask (medium) skin in that the karma vendors don’t seem to unlock it in your wardrobe when you purchase it. Furthermore, there are no Rogue Masks available on the TP at all. Seems like an oversight where maybe ANet missed it when updating all the armors.
EDIT: I have not tried visiting the WvW vendor that also sells the Rogue skins for 40 Badges. Will try him and update this.
For bandit set, create a new level one toon and enter WvW for cheaper skins.
Thank you for the hard work Dulfy, always appreciated \^\^\ Just a note, some other easy to get skins are the achievement ones (Radiant, Hellfire, Zenith weapons) and the Hall of Monuments ones. They all count for the achievement and are completely free if you have them available but haven’t actually unlocked them 🙂
Wow.. i’m really looking forward to get this title! thanks for the guide!
Some other cheap TP Heavy armor sets: Scale, Tempered Scale and Splint.
Thanks, missed those for some reason
Rhiannon Frater
I saw this armor on a website then on several people on Tuesday during the big update. Any idea what this is? I can’t find it anywhere on the wiki or on here.
Bloody Prince Outft, look under Outfits in the Wardrobe
Rhiannon Frater
OHHHH…I’ve only seen it on the men!
You can also unlock the Aureate weapons while farming Black Lion Keys through the personal story. The step that gives the key also gives a choice of 3 different weapons with the aureate skin.
I am now bitterly regretting finally salvaging the armour sets I saved for ages in my bank, especially the Asura T1 racial. But, most of them are pretty easy to replace.
Don’t forget all the christmas skins! Princess wand, toy sword, candy cane hammer…! SUPER CHEAP
Altan Rapsied
winter weapons are cheap on TP, about 1 silver per weapon.
You should note that while Karma items (and, I think, the others) can’t be salvaged or sold, you can throw them into the Mystic Forge and get normal salvagable items.
Aargh I totally forgot thet and I destroyed them all :((
The Spirit Molecule
Is there a bug with the Legion shields? When I go talk to Zalvax Brokenclaw, he has the Blood Legion Shield. Infact, he has the same items as Tiga Fierceblade.
I wiki the iron legion shield and found a vendor in Ashford.
Is it the case, that the head piece of the rogue armor is bugged atm? there’s the note “unlocked”, but when i buy it it’s not unlock and the option to unlock the skin isn’t available either.
sry i mean “locked”
I have the same problem. I purchased the same skin from the WvW vendor, and a bunch of other NPCs around the game. Can’t unlock the skin from any.
Any idea where to get Guild shoulder/legs/helms etc? Only chest is available now… really like the human guild medium shoulder armor…
Helm: [&BBkCAAA=]: Clean up Flame Legion Magic\ sadly this npc doesn’t have the Bucaneer helm but “Stalker visage” skin
So I checked a bunch of karma vendors and they seem to all have the stalker helm instead of the bucaneer one. I think it might be a bug and they put in the wrong helm there. Your best bet is probably using badges and buying it off the wvw vendors
A title summing up what has become of the game.
There’s a typo under the mesmer’s character creation skins, just pointing it out. 🙂
Radiant Glyph
I’m wondering if I’m missing something or it’s bug, but when I go to the wvw vendor in the screencap for the tier 1/2 weapons he only offers Bandit, not the others like Verdant and Aureate. Am I in the wrong place?
It only offers you the armors you can use. Bring a character who uses light/heavy armor there for the others.
Radiant Glyph
Haha yeah I figured out the problem was that I was viewing the vendor with a low-level character and the tier 1/2 cultural are only made available to l80s! Felt like a bit of a goose haha XD
i know this was posted ages ago, but you can buy the Dry Bones set in Kessex hills as well. (its not on the wiki yet) Gendaran still seems cheaper even thought higher zones thought.
You can get 6 of the norn skins for almost nothing from Sven.
Sven, don’t you think that’s true?
Don’t forget Crafting as well!
Even before you hit Exotics at 400 crafting, there are 5 crafting ranks to go through, and at each rank there are 19 types of weapon and 18 types of armour to make (prefixes don’t count). And every one of those different combinations of rank and type is a different skin as far as the achievement is concerned. That’s 185 skins right there. If you’re chasing the achievement, you might as well level your crafting and grab any you’re missing along the way.
thanks Dulfy <3 – Tiburron (Blackgate)