Dulfy Reborn

an archive of dulfy.net for Guild Wars 2

Craze’s Folly Blazeridge Steppes jumping puzzle guide

By Dulfy , Published on Fri 28 September 2012
Guides / Jumping Puzzles

Guild Wars 2 Craze’s Folly detailed jumping puzzle guide with full video walkthrough. Craze’s Folly is a jumping puzzle in NE corner of Blazeridge Steppes. It is an easy jumping puzzle but you do have to fight some mobs along the way.


Puzzle start


Puzzle walkthrough

There is a tunnel behind Jahr Duskrend that will bring you into an open area filled with Separatists. You will want to stick to the right in that area and go through another tunnel (entrance indicated marked by a torch)

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Passing through the tunnel will bring you to another small open area filled with Separatists, including a veteran. It is recommended that you fight them if you don’t have swiftness as running through them put you into combat mode and make you jump a lot less further (you can also relog once you are up at the top).


Once you are up there, you will need to make this jump that lead you into another open area filled with stone ruins!


Once you are out in the open, climb the big rock right in front of you and make these jumps.


You will need to jump across here and then just follow the ledge on the left and keep going until you are at the end.

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Here, you will need to turn around, jump on the left wall, then right, and then go up on the right wall to go all the way up the top.

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Once you made it across, go to the stone ruin near the waterfall and use it to jump on the big rock nearby. This will take you to a very large cavern filled with Cave Trolls. Here, you just need to keep to the right and run up the stone ledges.

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Once you are at the top, you will see a chest right in front of you.. that chest, however, is trap! Instead, turn right and jump onto the rock here.

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Follow the ledge until it ends and then drop down, you will see a cavern down below guarded by a Veteran Cave Troll. The real chest and the achievement is there.
