Dulfy Reborn

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Morgan’s Leap Caledon Forest jumping puzzle guide

By Dulfy , Published on Wed 03 October 2012
Guides / Jumping Puzzles

Guild Wars 2 Morgan’s Leap jumping puzzle guide in Caledon Forest with detailed explanations and video walkthrough. Morgan’s Leap is a jumping puzzle in the SE corner of Caledon Forest. The puzzle itself isn’t too hard but can be a bit frustrating for those new to jumping puzzles. If you are looking to get the Dark Reverie achievement, be sure to not take off after you get the achievement for Morgan’s Leap as the puzzle is right after. Check out this guide for Dark Reverie jumping puzzle .


Puzzle Start

The jumping puzzle starts at the tree in Morgan’s Spiral, which is in the SE corner of the zone. If the tree is not active (leaves not climbable), you will need to wait for for an event to occur to activate it (you can try brute jumping it).

morgan'sleap1 morgan'sleap2

Puzzle walkthrough

Most of the puzzle is actually quite linear and straight forward once you get up the tree. The only portion of the puzzle worth mentioning is here where you need to jump on the rock and then onto the tree branch above it. Beware of narrow branches and make sure your double tap to evade is turned off in the options
